To All Our Valued Guests:
As we monitor the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) through our community and around the world, Mission Escape Games wants to ensure you all that the health and well-being of our customers and associates is a top priority. The customer is at the core of everything we do, and as the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we want to assure you we are doing everything we can for your safety. Effective immediately, all games booked between March 15th and April 30th, 2020 in the New York City Times Square location will automatically be made private so that you are only playing with your teammates. Effective March 16th, 2020, all games in the Anaheim location are automatically private until further notice.
In this season of concern, we continue to make sure that our environment is clean and sanitary so that our guests can trust the facility as well as our service — regardless of season or sickness. Following the guidelines and recommendations of the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to stem the spread of the virus, we frequently clean all surfaces and props with disinfectant, paying particular attention to high-traffic areas, as well as provide hand sanitizer to all our guests and associates. Our staff may or may not be wearing a mask and gloves as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the virus, but they are not ill. All associates have been instructed to stay home if they are sick and are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, and are not allowed back to work without being cleared by a health professional.
We look forward to welcoming our guests to a fun, safe challenge but if you’re feeling unwell or experiencing any flu-like symptoms, no matter how mild, we request that you stay home and follow recommended self-quarantine guidelines.
During your visit, we recommend that guests wash their hands before and after the game, or use the provided hand sanitizer. For the safety of all, we remind everyone to cover your face or use your elbow when sneezing or coughing, and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.
Mission Escape Games is committed to the safety of our community and believe that we are all doing our part to get through this together. Thank you for being a valued guest and we hope to see you for a challenge soon!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email, chat or by phone at 347-903-8860.
All the best from the Mission Escape Games family. Stay safe and healthy!